Progression #18

I realized tonight how long it has been since I've updated my blog! In my defense, I haven't been very prolific lately. I have, however, completed a couple pieces. It started out a little like this: The tables outside my apartment are shaded by these giant, beautiful trees. Sitting out there is so peaceful. Time … Continue reading Progression #18

Book 2: I forgive you for all the things you missed and here’s a collection of things you’ll never miss again Part 1

The whole process of bookmaking this time around was much different than I'd experienced before. It took place during a 2 week intensive course at CSU Summer Arts. I think in total I work around 120 hours on this project. Considering that we worked a total of 9 1/2 days, that's a lot of hours. … Continue reading Book 2: I forgive you for all the things you missed and here’s a collection of things you’ll never miss again Part 1